Danisa是丹麦队目前苏迪曼杯的赞助商,我们已经通知过羽协,这次真的是不幸运的情况,我们球衣不能穿上有danisa的徽标打比赛。作为补偿,我们为他们提供了很多的选择,他们可以卖给我们其他的赞助商,我们可以做一个免费展览,甚至为他们提供50.000丹麦氪 7000美元。他们拒绝了所有的建议,他们不仅没有给我们电话通知关于苏迪曼杯的事情,甚至还驱逐我们出国家队,并拿了我们所有的拨款。
Today Fischer, Mathias, Carsten, Christinna and I got kicked out of the national training center.
As you know we all have a personal sponsorship with Kjeldsen butter cookies, which we have had for the last two years. In that agreement, is says we can’t represent any of Kjeldsens competitors, but since they only have very few we couldn’t see any problems in that. But now the association signed a deal with the only competitor to Kjeldsen, Danisa, which only motive is to damaging Kjeldsen, coz the two are in a lawsuit against each other.
Danisa is the current sponsor of the Danish surdiman cup team. We have told the association that due to this really unlucky circumstance, that we can’t play with danisa on the shirt, but have to play in a shirt WITHOUT ANY logos. As a compensation, we offered them a lot of options, they could sell us to other sponsors, we could do an exhibition for them for free, we even offered them 50.000 Danish Kr. 7000 USD. They refused all suggestions, but not only didn’t they not call us up for the surdiman cup, they also kicked us out of the national team, and have taken all our fundings.
Why this ultimate punishment?? We have no idea, coz there is no winners in this extreme way of business. We need them, and they need us. We have for the last 10 years won multiple Olympic, WC and European medals, so they got funding from Team Denmark, and we have received good coaching, but never receive 1 DDK in bonus for these achievements. Why do they want that to stop??
Whatever happens I promise you that all five of us will continue playing, and we will hit the shuttles even harder.
We are all sad right now, but we can look ourselves in the eyes, and we will come back even stronger. We need your support now more than ever, even though you might not like us the most, no players deserve to be treated like this.
未经允许不得转载:爱羽族 » 【粗事啦】曲奇惹祸 丹麦国家羽毛球队五老将被逐国家队
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